Our Central Team

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John Grove

Chief Executive Officer (CEO)

John is an outstanding leader with over 20 years of successful headship experience and a track record of improving schools.  As Headteacher of Belleville Primary from 2000 to 2016, he led the school from “in danger of failing” to outstanding and nationally recognised for excellence. In recognition of its capacity and commitment to support others, under John’s leadership Belleville was designated as a National Support School in 2009, a National Teaching School in 2011, an Academy Sponsor in 2013 and a Maths Hub in 2014. John is a National Leader of Education and a Fellow of the National College for Teaching and Leadership. He has been the Executive Headteacher/CEO for the Trust since 2016.


Curriculum, Teaching and Learning

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Karen Taylor

Director of Maths

Karen supports the ongoing development of Maths teaching across the Q1E Trust, modelling lessons and coaching and supporting teachers. She is passionate about east Asian mastery teaching and has worked with numerous expert teachers from Singapore, Shanghai and Hong Kong, as well as training more than 300 London teachers in 'Singapore maths. With a background as Assistant Headteacher and outstanding Maths Lead, she has had a key role in establishing the London South West Maths Hub, participated in the England-China Education Research & Innovation Project led by the National Centre for Excellence in the Teaching of Mathematics, and led an innovative project funded by the SHINE trust, to improve outcomes in Maths for disadvantaged children. She is also a champion of Self Organised Learning Environments (SOLE) and holds a degree in cognitive psychology.

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Rebecca Osuntokun

Director of Curriculum

Rebecca leads the development of the wider curriculum across the Trust. She has a wide range of leadership experience and works with teachers and advocates across the Trust to ensure all subjects have a high quality, ambitious curriculum. She also leads the development of the bilingual curriculum at Belleville Wix Academy.

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Andrew Harper

Director of English

Andrew has been teaching for over 15 years across a range of London schools. He has held many leadership roles including EYFS lead, KS1 Lead, NQT and ITT mentor, English Lead, Teaching and Learning Lead, Assessment Lead, Curriculum Lead, Assistant Head and Deputy Head.  He currently works in the Central Team supporting the development of English across the Q1E Trust.

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Becky Gulliver

Teaching and Learning

Becky is an experienced, outstanding teacher who joined the Q1E Trust as a class teacher in 2007. She has taught in a range of schools and across a range of year groups. She now supports the teaching, learning and pedagogy in all Trust schools, working with teachers at all stages of their career to continually develop classroom practice. She also supports the development of the high quality and ambitious curriculum across the Quality First Education Trust.

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Erica Brownlee

Director of SEND

Erica is a qualified and experienced SENDCo. She has worked across nurseries and primary schools in a number of different boroughs for the last 10 years, as well as sometime working for the SEN team at the Local Authority. She works for the Q1E Trust supporting and advising schools with children with emerging needs and SEN including those with EHC plans. Her time is focused on children in mainstream education.  

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Mary Kelly

Director of SEND


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Aderemi Shodipe

Director of Finance

Ade is an experienced Chartered Certified Accountant (FCCA, CPFA) with over 18 years of public sector accounting and education finance experience across four London Boroughs. He also holds business analyst and project management qualifications and has held multiple board positions including as the Chair of an Academy Governing Body. He is responsible for developing and supporting the ongoing improvement and effective management of business matters across the trust, including finance, premises and ICT, ensuring appropriate systems and controls are in place. He is passionate about supporting schools to strategically reduce costs and increase their income.

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Penny Smith

Finance Manager

Penny is an experienced Finance Officer and provides support to the Director of Finance. Prior to joining the Q1E Central Team, Penny worked for the Wandsworth SCITT and Belleville Teaching School, ensuring the effective organisation of the Teacher Training programmes and finances.  She also works for the London South West Maths Hub, supporting the Hub's leadership and management team and managing their finances.


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Charlotte Meade

Director of Operations

Charlotte leads on a range of operational areas including governance, compliance, policy and HR, and manages the academy conversion of new schools joining the Q1E Trust. Charlotte’s previous roles include Director of Teaching School at Belleville Primary, and Senior Programme Manager at the National College for Teaching and Leadership, where she led a number of large-scale projects including the London Leadership Strategy. Her training and qualifications include PRINCE2, MSP, Company Secretary and professional clerking (ISBL).


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Ruth Hudson

Director of Staff Efficiency

Ruth is a successful senior leader with an honours degree in teaching. She was Headteacher of The Alton School until September 2022, serving the community for over 17 years.  Ruth chaired the Safeguarding Forum for all Wandsworth primary schools and represented primary academies in Wandsworth on the Schools' Forum. She was a member of the Wandsworth Safeguarding Children Partnership and of the Wandsworth Headteachers’ Standing Committee, which aims to raise standards for all pupils in the Local Authority. In her current role, Ruth works across all the schools within the Q1E Trust to support staff with their roles and systems and to develop practice and policies to benefit all staff.

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Magda Daunton

HR Manager

Magda is HR Manager for the Q1E Trust. She supports recruitment and HR and ensures everybody is paid accurately and on time. She previously worked for Evo, a recruitment company that provided onboarding and payroll services to a number of organisations who engage the services of over 5000 new starters each year. Having worked in a variety of roles within HR, she is fanatical about process and detail, has an incomparable memory and an immaculate desk!

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Vicki Holt

Administration Manager


Vicki is an experienced Administration Manager for the Q1E Trust. She provides administration support and oversees admissions. She has a wealth of knowledge, managing a school office within the Trust since 2012. Vicki also supports HR administration and finance and is PA to the CEO. She is passionate about providing and implementing streamlined systems within the administration function across all schools in the Trust. Vicki is also a Maths Hub administrator.

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Lesley Dibbens

Administrative Support

Lesley is an experienced administrator who provides support to the Q1E Central Team. Lesley has worked in both public and private education, ensuring the effective organisation of professional development programmes, including for Belleville Teaching School. She has been the coordinator for the London South West Maths Hub since 2015, supporting the Hub's leadership and management team and coordinating the Maths Hub programmes.

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Jessica Silvester

Communications Lead

Jessica is a Chartered Marketer, Fellow of the Chartered Institute of Marketing and Fellow of the Royal Society of Arts, with over 20 years' experience in strategic marketing, digital strategy and communications within the education, arts and culture non-profit sectors. She has held senior marketing and communications roles at the Royal Albert Hall and St Paul's School before becoming a marketing consultant in February 2022, supporting education, arts and charity clients. She is a former Local Governor of Belleville School and a Trustee of Wandsworth Music.

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Ann Kelly

Graphic Designer

Ann has a key role in creating, articulating and realising our vision. With substantial professional experience in her field, Ann has worked with a range of high profile national clients including the NHS, Transport for London and the Natural History Museum. She utilises her invaluable expertise to support our schools with websites, school signage, posters, displays, children’s workbooks, marketing materials, photography, ICT development, room design, landscaping and more!

School Improvement Consultants and Professional Coaching

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Nick Flesher

Q1E School Improvement Consultant

Nick is an experienced lead advisor who works for the Q1E Trust one day a week, supporting our school leaders and teachers to identify and implement school improvement measures that raise the quality of teaching and improve outcomes for all pupils. He brings experience as a lead advisor for a number of London boroughs and academy trusts, as well as international consultancy. Nick has a Masters Degree in Education (Distinction) from Brunel University London, was awarded Consultant Leader status by the National College for School Leadership, and has been a qualified Ofsted inspector since 2011.

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Laurie-Ann Lamb      

Q1E School Improvement Consultant                        


Laurie Ann is an experienced leader who, as a headteacher, took two primary schools to ‘outstanding’ status.  Ofsted described her leadership as “inspirational”. She undertakes a regular consultancy role for Q1E, supporting all our schools to improve provision and outcomes for children. She has a particular focus on Early Years provision.

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Tom Gately

Q1E Professional Coach

Tom is an experienced professional coach with extensive experience of school leadership and improvement. He is the highly regarded former headteacher of the outstanding St Anselm’s Catholic Primary in Tooting, and played a key role in the successful London Challenge programme. As a graduate of the Co-active Coaching Institute he provides professional coaching and career development support to Q1E staff at all levels. He plays an active role in his church community and has a strong interest in reflective thinking and spiritual growth.