The Alton Primary School

The Alton is a one form entry inclusive primary school, right next to Richmond Park in southwest London.

Ofsted (Good, January 2025) describe The Alton as a school where “pupils enjoy coming to school, which provides a happy and inclusive place that fosters their development and well-being.",  "The school aims for pupils to become ‘excellent learners and to fulfil their potential’. Pupils rise to meet these high expectations and achieve well across the curriculum." and "The school celebrates its diversity. Pupils respect each other’s backgrounds, faiths, and beliefs…In assemblies and lessons, pupils learn about identity, difference, and respect for others. These activities help to prepare pupils for life in modern Britain."

They have extensive facilities that offer children a wide array of fantastic, vibrant and diverse opportunities. The Alton work hard to ensure the children love learning, enjoy school and develop self-esteem so they feel safe and understand their uniqueness and ability to make a difference in their own lives and the lives of others.

The Alton is also home to a SEND Resource Base provision called The Woodland Centre, which is for children with Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) with associated learning difficulties. 

Danebury Avenue, Roehampton, London, SW15 4PD