The Alton Primary School and the Q1E Multi-Academy Trust are very pleased to announce that The Alton Primary School remains a ‘Good’ school following the Ofsted inspection in January 2025.
The Alton received an ‘ungraded’ inspection from Ofsted, where a school cannot change its overall grade but receives different ‘outcomes’. We received ‘Outcome 1’, which means that ‘the school has taken effective action to maintain the standards identified at the previous inspection’.
The inspector was very positive about The Alton. Here are some of the highlights from his report:
Pupils enjoy coming to school, which provides a happy and inclusive place that fosters their development and well-being.
The school aims for pupils to become ‘excellent learners and to fulfil their potential’. Pupils rise to meet these high expectations and achieve well across the curriculum.
The school celebrates its diversity. Pupils respect each other’s backgrounds, faiths, and beliefs…In assemblies and lessons, pupils learn about identity, difference, and respect for others. These activities help to prepare pupils for life in modern Britain.
Pupils engage in a wide variety of activities which help them to understand their community.
It is quick to identify any pupils requiring additional support, including pupils with special educational needs and/or disabilities (SEND). Consequently, pupils make a strong start to their education.
The curriculum builds consistently on what pupils already know and can do. The school has considered the knowledge that is required for pupils to make sense of new learning.
Pupils are entrusted with positions of responsibility to develop their leadership skills.
Teaching consistently features appropriate approaches to develop pupils’ knowledge. Effective adaptations support pupils with SEND to learn the curriculum well. Pupils’ learning is also supported well by, for instance, illustrations and examples.
We are proud of our team – the school's leadership, teachers and support staff, the Local Governing Body, and the Quality First Education Trust – and all their efforts to provide an excellent education for all the children.
A copy of the full report is available here and will be available on the Ofsted website from Thursday 13 March 2025.