Whatever it takes

All, some, few


Provision for all children, including those with additional needs, relates to the Q1E LEARN curriculum statement: it is centred around excellent Learners and is expected to be Engaging, Aspirational, Relevant and Nurturing. These core curriculum factors underpin any additional support that may be required for children to achieve and thrive, based on an ALL - SOME - FEW model:

  • All children receive quality first teaching adapted to their needs;
  • Some children require additional intervention to support this (SEND provision);
  • A few children need highly specialist specific support to achieve this (EHCP).


Whatever It Takes

Article Image"Whatever it takes" is the shorthand we use to describe the additional time and support we provide for children when they experience difficulties in their learning.

Ensuring that our quality first provision is excellent, appropriately adapted and precisely taught will ensure most children will learn effectively. Where something more is needed for the few children who have difficulty learning specific skills, we provide something additional to, not instead of, the quality first teaching.

We describe this as doing ‘whatever it takes’ to ensure children have more time and/or support to secure their key learning.  This is intended to address whatever barrier a child may have to ensure they are able to successfully access and be part of their year group’s core quality first provision.  

'Whatever it takes' may come in many forms and may include additional lessons, more time and support to practise key skills, being taught a new approach or learning to use a particular resource independently.

It could mean more time for academic support in reading, maths or writing; emotional support and mentoring; oral language intervention; social skills support or learning to use software or a resource which can be taken into the classroom.  

Whatever it takes, where successful, is a timely intervention of more time or support to ensure all children have the skills they need to achieve and succeed.  

The ‘Whatever it Takes’  concept is based on the book:  Whatever It Takes: How Professional Learning Communities Respond When Kids Don't Learn (2004)  DuFour D, DuFour R, Eaker,R. 


Inclusion and SEND provision at Q1E

The Q1E Special Educational Needs and Disability (SEND) Policy can be found on our policies page. This outlines how the Trust and its schools aim to meet the additional needs of all children, building on our 'whatever it takes' approach (above).

All our schools offer a range of provision to support children with communication and interaction, cognition and learning difficulties, social, mental and health problems or sensory and physical needs. Local support is detailed through school-specific SEND Information Reports, found on each school's website. 

"Just a note to say how impressed I was this morning. The class teacher seemed to be accommodating her pupil's hearing needs in a way that I have not seen for quite some time.  I imagine he will make some excellent progress in her class this year." Nick Atkins, Qualified Teacher of the Deaf, following a Q1E school visit

To support this, we aim to provide induction, training, coaching and support to help teachers achieve good practice in teaching all children. This is achieved by working with parents and children and staff, monitoring plans, lessons and books, providing interventions, and seeking external advice to ensure that all children receive the provision they require or seek appropriate alternative provision in cases where this is not possible.

SEND provision is designed to promote pupils working towards becoming independent and resilient learners and is a whole school and Trust responsibility, not be seen in isolation. We believe ALL pupils have an equal opportunity to engage in the curriculum and we  aim to provide an accessible curriculum to meet all individual pupil needs

Beyond our overarching ethos of providing quality first teaching for all, our approach to provision for SEND children can be explained through the following four principles:

  1. A child with SEND has their needs met: This is done through early identification, specialist teaching and the Education Health and Care Plan (EHCP) process. 
  2. The view of the child is sought and taken into account: This is done through involving children in the decision making process about SEND provision. 
  3. Parents have a vital role to play in supporting their child’s education: We encourage this through working in partnership, valuing parent/carer views and contributions, and keeping parents/carers fully involved. 
  4. Children with SEND are offered full access to a broad, balanced and relevant education according to their needs: This is supported through appropriate admission arrangements, equality and accessibility plans. We believe all children are capable of independence.

The Trust works to ensure consistency and excellence in provision for all needs across the schools. The SENCOs and inclusion team staff from all our schools meet together at least once a term but are always working together to share and develop best practice.

Article ImageIn addition, two of our schools, The Alton and Churchfields, offer a specialist base provision for children with higher level needs.

There is regular training in inclusive practice across the schools as well as training in specific needs as necessary.

The schools within the Trust pride themselves on developing a whole school ethos to inclusion, working together with staff within the schools, central trust directors, outside agencies and local authorities, as well as encouraging and welcoming  full parent and pupils engagement and input into their children’s provision. School staff work together to support planning and provision, and develop their practice through professional learning communities. Local authorities and the Q1E Director of Inclusion carry out regular audits, and we seek external reviews to ensue that practice is robust and effective.