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The ducklings have gone back to the farm now but you can still watch the videos below to follow our 10 day duck adventure.

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The oldest duckling of the brood, the bossiest, fluffiest and nosiest!

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Likes to peck his brothers and sisters and puff out its chest

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Has vivid dark markings around its eyes and likes to cheep a lot!

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Has large eyes, is shorter than the rest and has a very yellow chest

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The yellowest of the brood which might make him a male duckling

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The youngest duckling as it was the last to hatch.  A little wobbly on its feet and likes to sleep

Day 10

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Day 9

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Day 8

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Day 7

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Day 6

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Day 5

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Day 4

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Day 3

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Day 2

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Day 1

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Egg-citing News!

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Over the next 10 days we will have the fantastic opportunity to watch ducklings hatch from these 6 eggs. As well as the webcam, there will be informative videos for you watch and learn more about ducks.  Keep coming back to this page to watch the changes!​
Email artwork and answers to questions from the videos