Home Learning

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Welcome to our home learning page.

Anyone is welcome to access our content and we are happy to support parents, schools and our wider community in these challenging times. 

Please use the Year Group pages (in the menu on the right) to access the current Q1E home learning provision, in line with our sequential curriculum.  If your child attends a Q1E school, your school will explain exactly what home learning lessons and resources he or she needs to access for all subjects.

  • Maths: The whole sequence of maths learning is set out here and the precise lessons will be specified by school.  A parent video guide is provided to help you navigate the material available. Schools will provide parents with the link and access code for the online textbooks and workbooks required. 
  • English: Home learning for English will be provided by your school. 
  • Wider curriculum: Science, history, geography and RE weekly lessons for this half term are set out here (Year 2- 6 have 2 science lessons per week).  The lessons follow our planned curriculum coverage where possible and have been adapted for home learning.   Reception and Nursery curriculum will be provided by your school. 

Your school will provide you with any login details or codes that may be required in order to access certain resources. 

Please use your school’s usual system for sharing your children's work with teachers (i.e. via Seesaw or Google classroom). 

Article ImageWe will continue to celebrate learning and achievements, for those at school and at home.  If your child is working at home, please share their learning with us on Twitter and include #Q1EHomeLearning in your tweet.

Download additional support activities you could try at home