Churchfields Ofsted 'Good'

Ofsted judged Churchfields to be 'Good' in October 2023


Churchfields Primary School and the Q1E Multi-Academy Trust are pleased to announce that Churchfields Primary School has been graded Ofsted ‘Good’ following the inspection in October 2023.  


The inspection looked at early reading, mathematics, science, art and history in greater depth as well as Safeguarding, SEND, behaviour, the wider curriculum, the children’s personal development and the school’s leadership. The feedback we received was very positive and the staff were pleased to hear that the excellent standards of behaviour were recognised, along with the ambition and depth of the curriculum and the strong structures of support in place for the children.


Here are a few highlights from the report:

Churchfields Primary School is a warm and welcoming place. Pupils, staff, parents and carers are all proud to be part of this community.

The provision for pupils’ personal development is impressive and consistently of high quality. It is underpinned by the school’s core values of aspiration, citizenship and excellence.

Ensuring that pupils have a voice in their school is extremely important to leaders and staff. Pupils are encouraged to be part of all school decision-making.  Pupils really value that leaders listen to them and take on board their suggestions.

The curriculum that has been created by trust leaders is ambitious. It matches and, in some subjects, exceeds the ambition of the national curriculum.

Pupils rise to the high expectations for their learning and behaviour. In lessons, they are focused and have positive attitudes to their learning. They achieve well across the curriculum. 

Pupils are polite, well-mannered and courteous. Relationships between staff and pupils are nurturing. Pupils feel safe.


The Ofsted report is available on the Ofsted website here.